Artistimp3Hannah Montanamp3Old Blue Jeans - MP3

Hannah Montana

Old Blue Jeans

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You walk away from me tonight
Not knowing the real me
'Cause you believe in all the hype
I just stepped out of a magazine
Take away the glamour the world that is show
And forget everything you know
Take away the mirrors, the limo's, the lights
I don't wanna dress up tonight
I'm gonna put on my old blue jeans
Gonna walk out of here into the street
Would you put up resistance
Would it make a difference
Would you know the real me
Me in my old blue jeans
You think that I'm unaproachable
That I don't feel enough
Should read a book cover to cover
And not be quick to judge
Take away the glamour the makeup the clothes
And forget everything you know
Take away the ego the trick of the light
I don't wanna dress up tonight
I'm gonna put on my old blue jeans
Gonna walk out of here into the street
Would you put up resistance
Would it make a difference
Would you know the real me
Me in my old blue jeans
Peel away the surface dig down deep
Put away the secrets we all keep
Take away the moment that we met
Wanna show you what you get
I'm gonna put on my old blue jeans
Gonna walk out of here into the street
Would you put up resistance
Would it make a difference
Would it make a difference
Would you know the real me
Me in my old blue jeans

Commenti dell'ultimo

kaja | 31/07/09 07:52
hannah je skvela a uzasna vizera lepsie ako miley
Kajull | 26/07/09 18:07
Heeej Hanièku miluju upa mega mooooooooooooooooooc,poøád se pouštím jeji pisnicky...
Barushka a AnEe | 18/07/09 17:26
Hannah montana je nejvííc úúžasnáá miilujume jííí obì a zpívá ty nej nej nej nej písnièky ten film je nejvíc klásnej...Hannah montana ily..:-D!!!! je úúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnááááááááááááááááááááááá ILY Miley Cirus....!!!!!!!
eli | 28/06/09 11:23
hano ty si užasná
tereza sekirova | 21/06/09 15:47
hanna je ta nejvetší píèa na ceim svete je to amaterke
radka watteova | 21/06/09 15:44
hanna je fakt bezva ale me to vidro nahoøe mešlo pustit
benda jiri | 07/06/09 14:34
co na tí krave vidíte katy perry je lepší a kristen stewart................!!!!!!!!!!!!
soptinka2 | 07/06/09 14:32
jsi dobra
soptinka2 | 07/06/09 14:30
Je hana montana užasna mam je ji veci užasny krasný hlas je dobra i ve skvela.......................................................
