User profileDarkAngel

Harnny | 07/02/2009 06:06 PM
a celkom fajn.. dik.. a ty akko sa mas??? ..potom ja som marek
Harnny | 07/02/2009 11:56 AM
cauko :D
Renca | 05/02/2009 06:42 PM
ale jo jde to a ty?
MRC | 05/02/2009 11:24 AM
Well I was at home, i went to plaza and wrote you.And you Dark Master:)?
MRC | 04/02/2009 06:24 PM
Thanks I'm fine.Have a nice night:):)
MRC | 04/02/2009 06:20 PM
Hello dark!How are you?
markimo007 | 03/02/2009 02:01 PM
its so cold
i thinck that it 6 or 5 degree
markimo007 | 03/02/2009 01:27 PM
i am good today
what about the wither in your towen
markimo007 | 03/02/2009 01:19 PM
where are you
i send you an invetation to make a simple conecte with you
through my e-mail: markimo007@yahoo.cmo
MRC | 03/02/2009 01:05 PM
Well I am ill so I boring.i playing with my X-box 360 sorry but I have to go!Have a nice day!!