Meno interpreta
Mother Love Queen72
One Vision Queen99
The Miracle Queen102
I Want It All Queen105
Theshowmustgoon Queen110
Bicycle Race Queen111
Radio Gaga Queen114
Made In Heaven Queen121
Scared John Lennon122
9 Dream John Lennon128
God John Lennon130
Bless You John Lennon132
Yesterday John Lennon136
Woman John Lennon137
Imagine John Lennon150
Something The Beatles152
Hej Jude The Beatles161
Imagine The Beatles162
Because The Beatles169
Michelle The Beatles172
If I Fell The Beatles175
Honey Pie The Beatles176
Help The Beatles182
Birthday The Beatles186
Medley The Beatles192
Girl The Beatles198
Rain The Beatles203
Julia The Beatles205
Help! The Beatles214
Taxman The Beatles237
The End The Beatles242
Get Back The Beatles250
Let It Be The Beatles251
Hey Jude The Beatles254
Yesterday The Beatles255
Money The Beatles259
Michelle The Beatles272
Something The Beatles274
Hej Jude The Beatles283
Imagine The Beatles284
Because The Beatles291
Michelle The Beatles294
If I Fell The Beatles297
Honey Pie The Beatles298
Help The Beatles304
Birthday The Beatles308
Medley The Beatles314
Girl The Beatles320
Rain The Beatles325
Julia The Beatles327
Help! The Beatles336
Taxman The Beatles359
The End The Beatles364
Get Back The Beatles372
Let It Be The Beatles373
Hey Jude The Beatles376
Yesterday The Beatles377
Money The Beatles381
Hey Joe Jimi Hendrix389
Hey Joe Jimi Hendrix392
Fire Jimi Hendrix395
Peace Frog The Doors399
Ghost Song The Doors400
Whiskey Bar The Doors412
Five To One The Doors421
Wild Child The Doors425
Love Street The Doors426
Peace Frog The Doors430
Ghost Song The Doors431
Whiskey Bar The Doors443
Five To One The Doors452
Wild Child The Doors456
Love Street The Doors479
Kashmir Led Zeppelin480
Poor Tom Led Zeppelin505
Friends Led Zeppelin519
Substitute The Who524
My Generation The Who525
Baba O'riley The Who565
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