Gebruikers profieltuti

shadow25 | 26-05-09 22:23
Is that really u if it is ur hot
shadow25 | 26-05-09 22:21
i need friends
fany | 14-05-09 20:54
Užasná dvojnice.................
shadow25 | 31-03-09 22:11
would you like to be my friend
markimo007 | 15-03-09 19:59
hi you there
markimo007 | 04-02-09 21:56
this is my E-mail: if you wont to make a conect with my
witting for your invetation.
markimo007 | 04-02-09 21:55
i thinck that is the first loged for you in this site?
isn't that

whatever, wellcome in vivamusic.ovg, on the name of all users in the site,
markimo007 | 04-02-09 21:49
how are you?
i am mark
from egypt
what about you tonight?
markimo007 | 04-02-09 21:47
hi you there

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