Kunstenaarsmp3Rise Againstmp3To The Core - MP3

Rise Against

To The Core

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Lyrische gedicht

If I could paint how I feel,
I'd draw bullseye on your forehead
my anger is not misdirected unless it somehow misses you
time spent on hate, is time gone to waste,
I watch you point and click your life away
so cast the stones that I'll gladly catch
and I'll throw them right back, I stand behind the things I say,
you type the words you won't say to my face
time spent on hate, is time gone to waste,
I watch you point and click your life away
it seems you've let me go again,
just like the day you let me in,
the best of intentions,
you were never mine to begin with
so step away from the fucking screen,
see a world outside your scene,
maybe then you will know and realize the lack of threat you pose

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