There is no such thing as revenge You will not give as good as you got There is no such thing as an eye for an eye If you think you're the giver, you're not There is no such thing as regret There is no point in placing the blame Hate destroys the one who hates And everyone suffers the same What you see Is not necessarily what you get Eyes are the window to the soul Take your judgements And let them go There is only love and respect To thine own self be true When you point the finger There are three fingers pointing back at you What you see Is not necessarily what you get Eyes are the window to the soul Take your judgements And let them go Let them go Let them go Let them go Recognize that God is alive in everyone Recognize that love lives in us all What you see Is not necessarily what you get Eyes are the window to the soul Take your judgements And let them go Let them go Let them go Let them go What you see Is not necessarily what you get Eyes are the window to the soul Take your judgements And let them go Let them go Let them go Let them go
Co já vim, tak jsou to jen dema, která nikdy nevyšla. Třeba konkrétně tohle nahrála Madonna při nahrávání alba Ray of Light.
Impressive stelivo | 04-11-07 18:35
Chtěl bych se jenom dozvědět,co jsou to za skladby jako je např. tato Revenge,nebo Gone Gone Gone,nebo History. Neobjevilo se to ani v rádiích,ani v televizi,pouze na internetu a na You Tube,ale nikde není info,co to je. Kdyby to nědy někdo věděl,tak se prosím ozvěte na e-mailředem díky