Kunstenaarsmp3Bob Sinclarmp3Love Generation - MP3

Bob Sinclar

Love Generation

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Lyrische gedicht

Form jamaica to the world
It's just love, It's just love,Why most the children play in the street?
Broken arms can fade the dreams
Peace on earth to everyone that you meet
don't you worry?
It could be so sweet
Just after a rainbow you will see,
the summer shine till the eternity
I've got so much love in my heart
No one can tear the bond
Bob Sinclair - Love Generation
feel the love generation (2x)Come on come on come onFeel the love generation (2x)Dont't worry about a thing, gonna be all rightWhy most the children play in the street?
Broken arms can fade the dreams
peace on earth to everyone that you meet
Don't you worry? it could be so sweet
Just after a rainbow you will see,
the summer shine till the eternity
I've got so much love in my heart
no one can tear the bond.

Laatste commentaren

2 commentaren.
kelly | 22-01-09 13:25
niCe | 13-05-07 00:00
...tenhle Sinclar má něco společnýho se Sinclairem?

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