Everymusic.org delivers the complete music experience available on the net. We do every effort to gather every content related with music to extend the potential of our music community server. For this purposes we use our automated tools, but herewith we enable every user to contribute by their content. That warrant anything and most likely everything that is available about the music is made available to you, the end user.
This includes listening to audio and video content from various music genres as well as lyrics or artists biographies. You can stream music videos or listen audio provided by host servers, or create your own music playlists with your top favourited music.
Simply said, Everymusic.org provides you with the real music experience!
© 2007-2025 Everymusic.org | alle voorgebe houde rechten. JW MP3 Player © Jeroen Wijering jeroenwijering.com & sync.nl Creative Commons Licence. Some rights reserved.