Artist's name
Saxo Laurent Wolf24
Hallelujah Shrek53
Jednou Ráno Buty80
Lift Me Up Moby82
James Bond Moby100
Mama Africa Akon101
Beautiful Day U2104
When I'm Gone Eminem105
Shake That Eminem112
Despre Tine O-zone115
Malo Pomalo Karma116
Sedam Dana Karma118
The Wall Pink Floyd125
Boten Anna Basshunter128
I Miss You Blink 182131
Numb Linkin Park137
Faint Linkin Park144
Breathe The Prodigy147
No Good The Prodigy149
Firestarter Prodigy151
Funky Shit Prodigy152
First Warning Prodigy159
Potichu Vím UDG164
Love Hurts Nazareth185
Poker Face Lady Gaga186
Paper Planes MIA187
Viva La Vida Coldplay188
Stronger Kanye West190
Wonderwall Oasis193
Techno Megamix 666198
Malo Pomalo Karma199
Sedam Dana Karma206
Human The Killers214
Numb Linkin Park216
Forca Nelly Furtado219
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