User profileMakry

phoenix | 2010.3.17 17:09
how ur day going so far
phoenix | 2010.3.14 19:17
Kulhi | 2010.3.6 14:19
jj jasne mno ;-)
Kulhi | 2010.3.6 12:01
jj asi jo :-D mas icq bo FB? :-P
tomikcross | 2010.3.4 19:51
Kulhi | 2010.2.28 12:13
čau jo pohoda co ty :)
momo070391 | 2010.1.29 17:19
the yellow pillow is really something...
momo070391 | 2010.1.29 17:14
good hip-hop can be nice sometimes...I've been linkinpark's fan for a very long period of time, but my true drug is Depeche Mode and Muse
momo070391 | 2010.1.29 17:00
everything! It's my credo that it's important to open in the art area as much as you can:)
momo070391 | 2010.1.29 11:21
You're English is fine:) I don't really know what you'll like, but Rammstein has a new album (Liebe Ist Fur Alle Da) and if you want to listen to it, I'll upload it on the site:o)