Künstlermp34 Stringsmp3Let It Rain - MP3

4 Strings

Let It Rain

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© wrzuta.pl

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Rain on my skin
I feel a gentle summer wind
In your eyes
I can see the deep blue sky

Let it rain
Let it colour all my skin
Let it rain
Wash away my doubts and pain

I wanna discover
I don't wanna make believe
Let it rain
Down on me
Let it rain down
Let it rain..
Let it rain..

Feels so divine
Only one thing on my mind
I'm alive
Let the island spirit shine

Let it rain

Let it rain
Let it colour all my skin
Let it rain
Wash away my doubts and pain

I wanna discover
I don't wanna make believe
Let it rain
Down on me
Let it rain down
Let it rain..
Let it colour all my skin..
Let it rain..

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